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Showing posts from March, 2013

[News] Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance

Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance Genre: Action Release: February 19th 2013 (US) Publisher: Konami Developer: Kojima Productions/Platinum Games Platform:PS3/X360 The gameplay focuses on fighting enemies using a sword and multiple subweapons to perform combos and counterattacks. The game introduces the Blade Mode feature which allows the player to dismember cyborgs in slow motion and steal parts stored in their bodies. The series' stealth elements are also optional to reduce combat. The game was originally announced in 2009 under the title of Metal Gear Solid: Rising , and was intended to act as an interquel between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots . This form of the game was to be produced solely by Kojima Productions. However, the team met with difficulties in developing a game based on swordplay, so the franchise director Hideo Kojima cancelled it. A solution was found, in late 2011, with Platinum Ga...

[Guide] Spot Leveling Seal Online

Warrior Lv10-20 : Red Plumber, Joe The Kick Boxer, Silky Joe The Boxer, Nixie, WoodGolem, Pig Bat. Lv20-30 : Happy Bah, Gloomy Humberg, Windy, Cranky Rooster, Giant Wawa   Bunny, Dancing Pumpkin, Pumpkeener, Tarantula, Blue Plumber, Mama Bear, Bear,Flora, Glora, Skilled Magician Piya, Skilled Cleric Piya, Influental Warior Piya. Lv30-40 : Ghost Mage, Traveling Cats In Boots, Golden Plumber, Forest Ogre,Tarantula Ben, Papa Bear, Pumpisto, Blod Worm-O. Lv40-50 : Tarantula Queen, Samba Cactus, Conceited Ostrich, Sandy Windy,Dullahan Head, Eyes, Scorpy, Steel Golem, Knight of Darknes, Super Steel Golem,Skullo, Cave Ogre, Warior Of Darkness, Abyss. Lv50-60 : Saloa, White Rocking Horse, Meow-gician, Giant Red Plumber, [Nave] Incubus, [Nave] Succubus, Ruthless Skullo, Cool Boy. Lv60-70 : Mr.Catfish, Aleph, High Nixie, [Land Type] High Nixie, Peroa, Gun,Body Of Dullahan, Sergean Scorpy, Succubus, Incubus, [Violent] Sandy Windy,Kinbara, Warior Kinbara, Cool Guy. ...

[News] 2013 Unscheduled Released Games

This is unscheduled list of 2013 Released Games, i don't know it will be released on time or its only a rumor. Title Approximate Date Platforms Genre References Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs Q2 Win , Mac , Lin Survival horror [5] Angry Birds Trilogy Wii , WiiU Puzzle ArmA 3 Win Open world , Tactical Shooter Battle High 2 Q1 Win , XBLA Fighting [6] Black Rock Shooter: The Game Q3/Q4 PSP Action RPG Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse Q1 Win , Mac , Lin , iOS Adventure [7] Carmageddon: Reincarnation Q3/Q4 Win , Mac , Lin Vehicular combat , racing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Win , X360 , PS3 Action-adventure Command & Conquer Win Real-time strategy Dark Q2 Win , PS3 , X360 Stealth , action RPG The Dark Eye: Demonicon Early 2013 Win , PS3 , X360 RPG Deadpool Summer X360 , PS3 Action Dementium II Q1 Win Survival horror , first-person shooter Devil's Third Win , X360...

[News] December 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) D E C E M B E R 3 Dead State [4] Win Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] October 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) O C T O B E R 8 Beyond: Two Souls PS3 20 Pokémon X and Y 3DS 29 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Win , PS3 , X360 , WiiU Total War: Rome II Win Wasteland 2 Win , Mac , Lin Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] September 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) S E P T E M B E R 17 Grand Theft Auto V PS3 , X360 Killzone: Mercenary PSVita Rayman Legends PS3 , WiiU , X360 Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] August 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) A U G U S T 18 Disney Infinity WiiU , Wii , PS3 , X360 , Win , 3DS 20 Saints Row IV Win , PS3 , X360 23 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Win , PS3 , X360 27 Madden NFL 25 PS3 , X360 30 War for the Overworld [3] Win , Mac , Lin Grim Dawn Win Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] July 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) J U L Y 9 Civilization V: Brave New World Win , Mac NCAA Football 14 PS3 , X360 16 Turbo: Super Stunt Squad WiiU , Wii , PS3 , X360 , 3DS , NDS 30 Deadfall Adventures Win , X360 Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] June 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) J U N E 4 Eve Online: Odyssey Win Remember Me Win , PS3 , X360 9 Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3DS 14 The Last of Us PS3 25 Company of Heroes 2 Win Lost Planet 3 Win , PS3 , X360 The Sims 3: Island Paradise Win Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] May 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) M A Y 1 Fez Win 2 Might & Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness Win 7 Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut WiiU 14 Metro: Last Light [2] Win , PS3 , X360 16 Mega Man 5 3DS 21 Resident Evil: Revelations Win , PS3 , X360 , WiiU 26 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D 3DS 28 Fuse PS3 , X360 Grid 2 Win , PS3 , X360 Kinetic Void Win , Mac , Lin Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] April 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) A P R I L 2 Defiance Win , PS3 , X360 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge PS3 , X360 3 BattleBlock Theater XBLA 4 Toki Tori 2 WiiU 5 Painkiller: Hell & Damnation PS3 , X360 9 Age of Empires II HD Win 10 ShootMania Storm Win 16 Injustice: Gods Among Us WiiU , PS3 , X360 Pandora's Tower Wii Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS 19 We Sing UK Hits Wii 21 Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins 3DS 23 Dead Island: Riptide Win , PS3 , X360 Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PS3 , X360 Star Trek Win , PS3 , X360 24 Don't Starve Win 25 Mega Man 4 3DS XCOM: Enemy Unknown Mac 30 Soul Sacrifice PSVita Thomas Was Alone PSN , PSVita Dust: An Elysian Tail Win Monaco: What's Yours is Mine Win , Mac , XBLA Every schedule release in this list will be released in North America.

[News] March 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) M A R C H 5 The Amazing Spider-Man WiiU Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk PS3 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate 3DS Major League Baseball 2K13 PS3 , X360 MLB 13: The Show PS3 , PSVita Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 X360 , PS3 Runner 2 PSN The Sims 3: University Life Win , Mac SimCity Win Tomb Raider Win , PS3 , X360 7 Liberation Maiden iOS Rayman Jungle Run Win Sonic Dash iOS 12 Darkstalkers Resurrection PSN God of War: Ascension PS3 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 PS3 , X360 , Win StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Win , Mac 13 Darkstalkers Resurrection XBLA 14 A World of Keflings Win Chaos Rings II Droid Slam Bolt Scrappers Win 18 Lego City Undercover WiiU 19 The Croods: Prehistoric Party! WiiU , Wii , 3DS , NDS Gears of War: Judgment X360 Hotline Miami Mac Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU , 3DS Need...

[News] February 2013 Game Release

Happy Gaming :D Month Day Title Platform(s) F E B R U A R Y 4 Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS 5 Dead Space 3 Win , PS3 , X360 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 PS3 , X360 Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS3 , PSVita 7 After Burner Climax iOS Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 WiiU 8 We Sing 80s Wii 10 Brain Age: Concentration Training 3DS 12 Alien Breed PSN , PSVita Aliens: Colonial Marines Win , PS3 , X360 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3DS Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 3DS 14 Impire Win 19 Crysis 3 Win , X360 , PS3 March of the Eagles Win Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PS3 , X360 22 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Mac 25 Krater Mac 26 Brütal Legend Win Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires PSN Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan 3DS Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus PSVita Runner 2 WiiU , Win , Mac , Lin 27 Runner 2 XBLA Super Hexagon Lin 28 Retro City R...